Saturday, April 16, 2011


My taxes buy me peace of mind. I can generally drive safely without worrying about roads or bridges. I know if my home catches fire, there’s a crew of men and women standing by, ready to help. I know if there’s a medical emergency that trained professionals will help within a matter of minutes.

I feel comfortable knowing the children in my community are getting an education that will prepare them for the future. I am thankful that the water coming through my faucets is safe, the food I buy has been scrutinized, and that the prescriptions we get will help, rather than harm, us.

I’m glad that the drivers I meet on the roads are required to buy insurance, just as I am. I’m grateful that required seatbelts and airbags have saved lives and pleased when regulators ensure that I’m protected as a consumer whose lone voice is seldom heard.

I love it when government assists when disasters occur. I’m blessed that my 94 year old father is in fairly good health and was able to retire with a bit of dignity. I’m thankful the air we breathe is not as polluted as it might be without regulations and safeguards.

I was able to attend college after my mother died unexpectedly when I was just eighteen, thanks to her Social Security benefits. When I lost a job, I was grateful that the Unemployment Insurance I’d paid into was available to help pay bills through a lengthy jobless period.

The America I believe in has a history of helping when times are difficult. Those safety nets never once encouraged me to lie in a hammock and bask in complacency or dependency. In fact, they made me try harder to get back to the point where I, too, could contribute to this society.

In my experiences—mostly working with low socio-economic level students and dislocated workers—I realized that most people want to succeed, want to work, and improve their lives and the lives of their families.

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