Wednesday, April 13, 2011


What is class warfare? Class warfare is defined as conflict between social or economic classes, especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes.

There is definitely class warfare in America. But, the war was waged long ago, back in the 1980’s, when the corporate and wealthy elite waged class warfare against the working class and poor.

Before the “warriors” were elected, their battle cry was, “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!.” The battle cry faded, though, as combat ensued. Suddenly, the enemy changed to the deficit. (Strange that it hadn’t been a problem when the warriors voted in two unfunded wars, and an unfunded prescription drug plan. Hmm . . .?)

The war escalated drastically recently when the budget battles began. The original target (after the original original target of job creation) was supposedly “spending” but much collateral damage was inflicted on infants, the unemployed, expectant mothers, the homeless, pre-schoolers, the poor, public servants, intelligent youth without financial means to go to college, the disabled, anyone needing health insurance, and our senior citizens.

The jet bombers loudly proclaimed that the victims of their bombings needed to share sacrifices. Then, the perpetrators were given even more money to reward them, and more shared sacrifices were requested of the victims because the additional funds given to the bombers. Those expenditures made the deficit worse, so the victims were “commanded” to sacrifice more—in the spirit of “shared sacrifice!”

No one on the ground (not the children, the poor, the disabled, or the seniors) fired the first shot. The class warfare did not begin as an attack on the wealthy or on corporations. They didn’t fight hand-to-hand, but pulled out the heavy artillery on the unarmed (those with no lobbyists or collective voices).

Class warfare is real, but it’s been waged by the representatives of the wealthy against the “least of these” for many years and there’s no end in sight.

The war wages on and it’s unknown who will win in the end. The Bible, however, tells us: “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”

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