Sunday, July 24, 2011


We can believe the fantasy that granting special favors to the extremely wealthy will miraculously make them decide to create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

We can rest assured that, if we lower taxes for corporations that have over $2,000,000,000,000.00 just sitting around, they will bring profits back to America, factories will reopen, and life will be good again.

We can hang on to the hope that if we all tighten our belts and sacrifice even more to make life rosier for billionaires that we can somehow afford to buy enough gas to get to work.

We can believe that when politicians refuse to protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, they are really looking out for our best interests and we must work longer before we get the benefits we paid into Social Security or the medical assistance we also paid for. We can accept that paying more out of our own pockets is the only way these programs can continue to exist.

We can believe that eliminating programs that protect our health and safety really aren’t needed.

We can delude ourselves into thinking that public education really shouldn’t be for everyone—just the ones who can afford it.

We can believe that not everyone deserves “rights” and that only the select few deserve to succeed.

We can believe that the tooth fairy will put a billion dollars under our pillows tonight. It won’t happen.

It hasn’t happened in the past 30 years and it won’t happen now.

Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Taxes for the extremely wealthy are lower than they’ve been in years. Since 2003 when taxes on the top income group dropped to current levels, we’ve seen more and more industries moving overseas, far fewer jobs, huge bank failures, Wall Street scandals, and stagnant median wages for all but the ultra-rich (theirs are 976 times more than the bottom 90% of us).

If we still believe in the American Dream we need to vote for those who will protect it for all of us!

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