I just heard on NPR (I know! I shouldn’t be listening to it.) that by 2014 all cars must be built with rear-view cameras.
Are you as upset as I am about this intrusion on our rights!? Talk about government spying! Now they want to know who or what is behind our cars as we back out of our driveways! If your car’s camera can pick this up, you don’t think satellites can, too?
And, whose business is it who parks behind us? I certainly don’t want anyone knowing who is behind my car at any time!
If there’s a bicycle behind my car in my own driveway, whose business is it if I run over it! Certainly not Big Brother’s! If my child leaves his/her bicycle in the driveway, it deserves to be crushed.
If a child runs behind my car as I’m leaving the Wal Mart, his parents shouldn’t complain if I run over him. They should have been watching him more carefully!
As for dogs and cats—well, we have far too many that are not supervised correctly as it is! If they’re not on leashes, they shouldn’t be close to my house!
This is absolutely going too far!
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