Monday, February 21, 2011


We’ve lost our jobs, our savings, our homes, and our dignity. What more do they want?

Oh, I forgot. They want to
• demolish our Social Security and Medicare systems,
• raise the age of retirement and make us work longer,
• do away with unemployment assistance,
• limit rape victims’ rights,
• banish education for our preschool children,
• destroy our ability to unite with other workers to negotiate,
• banish affordable health care for women by defunding Planned Parenthood,
• deny insurance to people with pre-existing medical conditions,
• eliminate regulations that keep our food, drugs, water, air, and workplaces safe,
• persecute Hispanics, Muslims, African Americans and anyone who doesn't look like or think like we're "supposed to,"
• allow businesses to deny service or employment to certain groups of people,
• increase the ability of multi-billion dollar companies’ to determine elections,
• bulldoze free public education for our children, and
• exile scientific knowledge.

These are only a few of the things they want. They’d really like it if we stopped thinking for ourselves, were uneducated, and accepted paltry wages working for their corporations that make billions of dollars for their executives. Maybe like workers in other parts of the world where they’re already taking their corporations?

We haven’t stopped thinking for ourselves. We’re not uneducated (though our children and grandchildren may be if they have their way), and we won’t accept paltry wages while corporate executives make billions. Therefore, we must stand and be heard.

We believe that we are our brothers’ keepers. We believe in social justice and equality for all people. We believe that in order for our society to prosper that we must have lawmakers who will enact laws that address the record level of income disparity in America.

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